Biz4x Release 2.10: A New Menu Layout, Policy Enforcement Report and Security Features on Biz4x
Biz4x version 2.10 debuts several new features such as an improved navigation menu, advanced security settings and a new Policy Enforcement report. It also focuses on the optimisation of workflows such as the way your rates are managed.
We've revamped the left menu bar to more accurately depict all the new features and modules that we have added on a bi-monthly basis to Biz4x over the last few years. Some items on the menu have been reorganised to create a better user experience when it comes to navigation, while our icons have been refreshed to better represent the functionality of the five different modules on our platform.
Here's a side by side comparison of the old and new left navigation menu bar.
The new menu layout follows the structure below:
Business Management
- Rates
- Transactions
- Customers
- Stock
- Reports
Digital Storefront
- Bookings
- Rateboard
- Rates
Wholesale Trading
- Marketplace
- Customer Screening
- Policy Enforcement
- KYC Repository
Market Data
- Live FX Rates
- Account Management
- Business Management
- Wholesale Trading
- Market Data
Some of the more significant changes are listed as follows:
- Marketplace has been moved from the Business Management module to a brand new Wholesale Trading module
- Rates have been moved from the Your Currencies module to the Business Management and Digital Storefront module
- The Customer Acquisition module has been renamed the Digital Storefront module
- Rate board has moved from the Your Currencies module to the Digital Storefront module
- Live FX Rates has been renamed the Market Data module
- Settings are now grouped accordingly under the five modules and Account Management
- Account Management consolidates Users, Roles & Permissions, Outlets, Outlet Settings, Security and Referral under tabs in one screen
Breadcrumbs have been added at the top of each application screen for greater clarity on the app structure and to improve the navigational experience of users.
Password Requirement
We've increased password requirements so that each new password that is created needs to be based on the following criteria:
- A minimum of 8 characters
- Must include an uppercase character
- Must include a lowercase character
- Must include a number
- Must include a special character
Owners can also decide whether new users need to change their password after they first log-in.
Password Expiry, Reminders and Reset
A new menu option under Account Management is now available for managing security settings where Owners can mandate certain rules around user passwords such as:
- Whether or not passwords expire
- Number of days a password is valid for before it expires
- When users receive a notification reminding them of the number of days before their password expires
Business Management
Policy Enforcement Report
A new management report has been added that aggregates all low, medium and high risk transactions which can be exported for submission to authorities.
Group Hierarchy
The On, Off and Default buttons for Your Rates used to apply only to rates for single outlets. We've modified that behaviour, so that all outlets in a group will have their rates updated, if users decide to publish or update their live rates with the three buttons. This does away with the manual process of switching between different outlets within a single group to update rates.
Rate Validation
Previously, if you tried to push all rates live with the On button, it would not have succeeded if any of the rates fell outside the profit margin parameters you had earlier configured. It was also difficult to tell at a glance which rates had failed the validation as none of the rates would have been made live. We've modified this behaviour, so that all rates that have valid profit margins will be updated if the On button is used, however a blinking yellow indicator will let you know if some rates have failed. Users will receive a notification detailing all rates that have failed the validation and how, so that these rates can be adjusted manually.
We hope these updates will make it easier and more convenient for you to navigate Biz4x, as well as manage your transactions, rates and security settings. Have a question or comment about new features? Send us your feedback at