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What is Stock Definition?


The Stock Definition interface is where the user would define the different categories of stock for a particular currency. For example, a business may wish to set up a different category under each currency to represent the different denominations available for example one category could be SGD5, another SGD10. Alternatively, they might group a number of denominations together under the category "small" for SGD2 and SGD5, or set up a category called "big" for SGD50 and above. The Stock Definition interface is fully customisable so that users can be as specific or broad as they wish to be when setting up these currency categories. Creating Stock Definition categories, allows for transactions to be debited or credited to a certain stock of predefined currency categories so transactions can be tracked with greater accuracy. Stock definitions have to be linked to a single currency eg SGD and payment method. This will allow tellers to credit or debit transactions accurately from different types of SGD stock, which could be named CASH or CARD, depending on what has been set up.

Create Stock Definitions Screen

Only users with owner-level permissions are allowed to create stock definitions.

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